Saturday, April 13, 2013


                                          APPEALS COURT

                                   NOTICE OF APPEAL
              CIVIL APPEAL  NO._______________________
                                              Phillip C. Ofume & Associates
                                                           Appellants/Defendants (Pro se & Forma Pauperis)


                                         GWENDOLYN CRANMORE

Appellant, Dr. Phillip Chukwuma Ofume and Associates   move to appeal the lower court arm-twisting Decision/Order (attached) dated March 1, 2013 and reversal of the Decision/Order which was issued by The Presiding Honourable Associate Justice, a  Justice of the Superior Court of the Suffolk County of Massachusetts under conspiracy between the defendant and some local attorneys who lately discovered gold in two major litigations (, Gwendolyn Cranmore v. SSSB Docket No. 2012-2006-C, Gwendolyn Cranmore v. MPIUA Docket No. 2012-00522 ) which appellants worked hard to win with heavy award of about $93,000.00 without compensation and over $36million is in dispute before this Court and the appellants appeal the decision of this Judge because they see the decision as one of the worst injustice in the world and the decision should be reversed  and also this Petition for Review is made because of the following reasons:


1.    Defendants, Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates (hereinafter, “Corporate Body and Incorporated in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts”) move this honourable court filing  appeal in opposition to  Plaintiff ’s  Complaint to exclude appellants  a monitored action which is politically motivated by politicians, court, churches and gold digging attorneys/lawyers to remove the appellants, Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates  from these lawsuits,  Gwendolyn Cranmore v. SSSB Docket No. 2012-2006-C, Gwendolyn Cranmore v. MPIUA Docket No.
2012-00522, which they (Plaintiff et als) constructed in their greedy mind as “moneyed milk pot” to get several million dollars to themselves, in part which they see also as future bedrock that will  pump money into Dr. Phillip Chukwuma Ofume’s Presidential Campaign for the President of Nigeria 2015 ( see and campaign for the President of American Association for Affirmative Action (AAAA – see and Defendants  request for outright dismissal of decision appealed  (EXHIBIT A) because it failed to state a Claim such as the inability of the appellants to prosecute these cases from stage to stage to conclusion when appellants have done several of similar cases inside and outside the United States of America

2.    Appellants and Respondent entered into oral and written  agreements supported with POWER OF ATTORNEY and the Respondent has not revoked the agreement entered into and the court below which has politically done several harm to force appellants to disengage from these cases.  Appellants also see the action of the respondent and the court below as an arm-twisting adventure,  breach of contract or agreement, and lacks any fact that will thrive during trial

3.  Appellants  have completed the major work required in Respondent’s cases to withstand trial/appeal review and also it is improper and unwarranted trespass via lawsuits to arm-twist defendants under the fraudulent support which the respondent has earned from her friends and appellants further request for dismissal of the Complaint of the respondent and the decision of the court below pursuant to Mass. R. Civ. P. Rule 12 (b),  5th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution and Bill of Rights of the United States, and appellants submit below their Memorandum of Law, Fact, Argument, Exhibits, Issues and Relief.


4.     Internationally, over 77 years Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates have been advocating with the specialties of these cases under State and Federal economic, social, political, human rights and constitutional rights Questions. They have fought hard to advocate and stop severe forms of violation of human rights , economic, habitat, civil, environmental, public safety,  social and healthcare, constitutional and habitation rights in jeopardy. In this case there is an overwhelming obstruction of justice and the intervention of civil liberties experts and workers is inevitable to enable the respondent  in this case get desired justice and public interest will be adequately and equitably secured and served. In over 220 countries including the United States appellants’  Non-Profit, Non-Political, Non-governmental organizations  and members shortlisted below have acted alone and as intervenor /intervener and done several contentious and other strong cases independently from country to country and from mortgage to other real estate/property cases and enlarged to the highest courts in these countries. In Africa, North America, Europe, etc within the capacity and knowledge of Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates in Africa and North America, Dr. Ofume has led several our Non-Profit, Non-Political, Non-governmental organizations and members pursue and secure desired justice in the oil/gas rich and impoverished Niger Delta Region of Nigeria and also see below.

5.    Paragraph 39   of the Amended Complaint or paragraphs 24 and 25  of the Amended Consolidated Petition for Review are the most terrible aspects of the conditions which have the potential to breed abuses and sanction on civil liberties of the respondent if the appellants are excluded because attorneys are not skillful to advocate for clients under this danger. EXHIBIT B in this appeal  is the handwritten narratives of the respondent and these narratives disclosed several disabilities from the infections which she suffered from about 8000 counts of deadly toxic and deadly molds and fungal which invaded part of the disputed home.

6.   In further review of the testimonies of the respondent,  Dr. Ofume and their organizations found that several attorneys and mortgage/insurance agents have worked and dropped the case and the respondent alleged that these folks take bribes from her opposition to drop out or disengage from her case. Because of this conduct, the case has over 20,000 pages of important document which must be read verbatim and page by page. According to the respondent, over 22  attorneys and real estate/property agents that she consulted and paid dropped out initially or midway after receiving bribe and other gains from the defendant. In the first instance,  there is no lawyer/attorney in the United States that will agree to start reading, researching, investigating and ready to take carriage of case with paperwork of over 20,000 pages without payment of a dime. For the sake of human rights,  justice, and the plea of the pastors and other members of Petitioner’s church (Fountain of Grace Church, Canton, MA), Dr. Ofume & Associates agreed to intervene pursuant to M.C.P.R. 24 and help the respondent who is pro se and unrepresented litigant and all assistance provided would be compensated in the future if relief sought is granted.

7.      Now after this hard work and the case reached final stage to go to trial latest in March 2013 and the past and present attorneys viewed or read the briefs of Dr. Ofume and his organizations and attorneys saw future  possibility that the respondent will prevail the respondent/Plaintiff was lobbied by Dr. Ofume’s  political opponent and using Boston Police Department and other street boys to issue threat on Dr. Ofume to leave the case immediately, or he will be arrested and jailed for several years for defending civil liberties in the United States.  Worst part of this plot is that the Respondent said that she has found a lawyer/attorney and refused that this attorney work with Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates and when the respondent continued to force the plan to remove  appellants the respondents imposed condition that her attorney will lead the appellants and the appellants agreed but suddenly without reason the respondent filed a complaint requesting the court below to fire the appellants.

8.   On the conduct of the insurer , Dr. Ofume and his organizations found multiple acts of deception, arm-twisting, professional misconduct, judicial failure to act correctly, inequities in providing legal and other services to insured person, failure of process and procedure, censorship in delivery of professional service, etc. Under Bar restrictions several attorneys are scared to investigate the conducts of the state and federal agencies and their principals. Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates will assist the court and attorneys to under these prongs which are capable of obstructing justice.

9.   Dr. Ofume & his organizations have completed all work in this case and without them Petitioner will not get justice in this case. Woman Judge in this Court has granted Dr. Ofume’s and their organizations’ Motion to Intervene in another contentious lawsuit, Ogechi Eke v. Department of Children and Families (DCF) Civil Action Docket No. SUCV 2012-04516-A . The appellant in this case confessed that some people had meeting with her in the church to force her to sign agreement to remove Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates entirely from her case and also sign that she will not have any contact with them and their families. Ms. Ogechi Eke will be one of the witnesses in this appeal.  Information reveals that the same time of insurgents met the respondent and they assured her and she agreed with them.
10.   For the sake of justice and human rights, Dr. Ofume and his organizations request the court below to grant their Motion to intervene and also because the toxic and dusty mold and fungal infection have affected the respondent’s  memories and the ability to speak because  in place of speaking she unconsciously cries, yells and disrupts the flow of the proceeding. See the 13-day Reference Proceedings’ tape and transcripts. These constant and endless crying, yelling and disruption stopped the proceedings several times and enlarged the hearing time frame to 13 days which is a hearing that would have been completed within two to three days if the Chairman of the Referees ( who was supportive to the defendant at the abnormal rate of over 95% through 13 days)  had allowed Dr. Ofume to act as intervenor to speak out and focus,  unblock and redirect several unnecessary presentation of fact, issue, arguments, the unnecessary postures and arrogance of the defence attorney, etc.

11.    In Canada and United States Dr. Ofume and his organizations have done several strong  cases relating to Real Property including  Ofume et al v. CIBC Mortgage Corporation  - The Supreme Court of Canada  Case No. 30054; Ofume et al v. Nancy Vigorito et als – The Supreme Court of the United State Civil Action No.  08-8873;  See  https://sc;; 18. PhillipChukwuma Ofume, et al. vCIBC Mortgage Corporation (N.S.) (30054); Decision Information - Supreme Court of Canada - Lexum

12.   Dr. Ofume has  strings of academic and professional qualifications and his summarized resume is located online at
14.  Sitting as Pro Se over 35 years  Dr. Ofume and their organization have been doing cases country to country and in the United States and Canada Dr. Ofume has successfully  done  different cases, lower courts to the Supreme Courts of Canada and United States and after exhausting these domestic mechanisms he appealed some of these cases  to the United Nations because of insufficient judgment or relief.

13.    Appellants  request this Court  to reverse the decision appealed  because the originating complaint and the decision appealed are trump up and frivolous because the respondent intent was not reviewed because the appellants have been interested in working with any attorney of record and enter into supplemental contingency and other agreements with the intended attorneys/lawyers and the respondent but the respondent refused and failed to compensate past work which appellants have done  and also the decision appealed failed to place any lien or attachment on past award and future awards.  Communications between Plaintiff and Defendants will be incorporated as marked below as EXHIBIT G

14.    The Respondent has not started the administrative process to terminate or revoke the oral and written POWER OF ATTORNEY between Plaintiff and Defendants. Plaintiff did not file any sworn and other  exhibits in support of her Complaint such as sworn Memorandum of Termination of the POWER OF ATTORNEY attested and signed by the Plaintiff stating what she intend to do to resolve the liability clauses defined in this POWER OF ATTORNEY (marked below as EXHIBIT B & B.1.)

“A Power of Attorney is a powerful legal document which can enable an Attorney-in-fact to do almost anything with your property (depending on the powers you have granted in the Power of Attorney document). A revocation of a Power of Attorney is not effective against the Attorney-in-fact or any third party (e.g. bank) until notice of the revocation has been received by that party. Consequently, it is a good idea to have a written document as evidence of your revocation to make sure there is no doubt as to your intention to revoke the power.” Christopher Dimakos, Lawyer

15.   Jurisdictionally, termination of the POWER OF ATTORNEY or agreement between appellants and the respondent was not pleaded by the respondent but the  Court below interceded to terminate this legal document hereto incorporated and marked as EXHIBIT B & B.1.  by removing appellants from these cases. The  uncontested  POWER OF ATTORNEY and the appellants  are faultless and the defendants has not presented any case against the appellants vis-à-vis the Power of Attorney and power to prosecute her case to conclusion.  Appellants have severally agreed that respondent  retain any attorney of her choice to work with the appellants.

16.   After the defendants helped the rspondents to advance a strong Amended Loss Claim (EXHIBIT H), Amended Original Complaint  and Amended Demand Letter 93A before the referees prior to the reference proceeding and plaintiff was awarded $92, 958.00 without compensating defendants pursuant to the POWER OF ATTORNEY. Criminally, soon as Plaintiff got this money, after  Plaintiff removed two large luggages of the majority of the documents in support of these cases,  Plaintiff was implicated in a plot when she used a nearby facility to monitor the exit of Dr. Ofume from his home and came into the home and deceived Dr. Ofume’s  family that Dr. Ofume and other people were working in her home and that they requested her to come and bring the luggages. Dr. Ofume’s family freely allowed the Plaintiff to remove the luggages because severally his family  did the same during reference proceedings when Dr. Ofume requested them to allow the Plaintiff to remove the lugguages and after the day’s proceeding they came back home with the luggages.  In another criminal conduct, Plaintiff sent a man that  the Plaintiff called her former contractor to Dr. Ofume to remove the working key of the disputed home and that after inspection that the man will return the key to Dr. Ofume. Dr. Ofume freely gave the key to the man and several defendants’ written documents were given to the man and to present time the man has not returned the key and documents to Dr. Ofume and Plaintiff and her friends are trying to sell the disputed home.

D.                           BASIC FACTS

17.    Dr. Phillip C. Ofume is High Priest of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and a visiting member of The Fountain of Grace Church and Islamic Religion and he is a political and convention refugee adopted Prisoner of Conscience by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and Amnesty International (Intl. Secretariat, London UK) and nominated to  run for the Presidents of Nigeria 2015 and American Association for Affirmative Action (AAAA) December 16, 2011 and the election result is contested before U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit (see links above) and Dr. Ofume has strings of academic and professional qualification unlimited to Doctorat du 3e Cycle (DEA, D.E.Phil), Lyon France; Doctorat du 3e Cycle (DEA), Lyon France; Scolarite au Doctorat du 3e Cycle (S.Dr.), Lyon France; M.Sc. (Labor Science -1/2) Lyon France; M.Phil., Lyon France; B.Phil., Lyon France; D.E.F. (Lyon/Geneva); Post-doctoral studies: Ph.D. (Min.) (on-going) NY USA; Juris-doctor, Canada/USA (on-going with over 35 years law study, practice, research, and investigation). NCMP - Mediation Negotiation and Conflict Management ( Dalhousie University ,Law School); NCMP - Negotiation and Conflict Resolution (Dalhousie University, Law School) ; NCMP -Advanced Mediation (inter-governmental and large corporate body mediation and conflict management and resolution, (Dalhousie University, Law School); Cert. Info Tech. – Mass and Strategic Communications; Phillip Ofume speaks English, French and Nigerian languages; etc.

18.   Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates  are corporate body and a sub-division of LIMPT, INC and fully incorporated to train national and international Pro Se and Unsigned Lawyers/Attorney to save and stop obstruction of justice created by the high legal costs to retain lawyers/attorney; advocate/support/intervene in wide range of cases such insurance, mortgage, rental, shelter, criminal, civil liberties, etc. etc. etc.

19.    In Late May 2012 Plaintiff met Dr. Ofume in this Court and recognized Dr. Ofume as member of The Fountain of Grace Church, Canton, MA and Dr. Ofume and the Plaintiff had several meetings inside and the Plaintiff, Ms. Gwendolyn Cranmore  cried and cried and recounted and narrated her terrible experiences with over 22 attorneys and insurance agents in the United States to the extent Ms. Cranmore alleged that after spending a lot of money to retain them, they turn round to sabotage her case and also take bribes from her opponents and dump her case. The Senior Pastor and owner of The Fountain of Grace requested Dr. Ofume to help Ms. Cranmore and Dr. Ofume brought her case to his national and international chapters of their Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) and they voted and approved to take Ms. Cranmore under contingency oral and written agreements to cover their service costs and consolidated agreement called POWER OF ATTORNEY was written and signed between Ms. Gwendolyn Cranmore and Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates.  EXHIBIT B & B.1. (oral and written agreements).

20.    Several months starting from June 2012 Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates visited Ms.  Cranmore’s  different apartments and they started several mouths research, investigation, critic and review of the Plaintiff’s case procedural history and records which they found to be over
20,000 pages and also severally  visited the disputed home located at 631 Blue Hill Parkway, Milton MA 02186.

21.    After months of research, investigation, critic and review, Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates drew a strategic take off plan which critically review the original Complaint and Demand Letter 93A written and filed with this Court by the attorneys retained by Ms. Cranmore. Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates were shocked that the purported attorneys of record could be paid to write such worthless Complaint and Demand Letter 93A without over 97% of the fact and other relevant material in support of Ms. Cranmore’s  cases particularly mentioned above. To save these cases from falling into opposition’s Motion to Dismiss for failure to state Claim upon which relief could be granted,  Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates moved to amend the entire Complaint and Demand Letter 93A which defendants hereto incorporate and marked as follows:

a.  Demand Letter 93A  written and filed  by Attorneys EXHIBIT C

b.  Original Complaint written and filed  by Attorneys EXHIBIT D

c.   Amended Demand Letter 93A  written and filed  by Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates  EXHIBIT E
d.  Original Complaint written and filed  by Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates  EXHIBIT F

22.   After laying this strong background on these causes, the Defendant strategized on how to save the disputed home from falling into foreclosure. Defendant and the Plaintiff attended two successful mediation with SOUTH SHORE SAVINGS BANK (SSSB) and the home was saved.

23. Per the Motion of the Defendants in July 2012 the Presiding Judge understood the fact of the cause and order that parties should proceed to discussion and this step yielded Reference Proceeding and Defendant objected to the proceeding but the Defendants were able to advise the Plaintiff to participate and she weakly agreed to part-take.  

24.  In October 2012 and November  2012 after selection of three referees.  All the attorneys the Plaintiff consulted to assist her during the reference proceedings refused.  Defendants’ daily assignment was 8.00 am to 7.00 pm  at peanut rate of $150.00 per day and the Reference
Proceedings lasted for 13 days. Plaintiff refused to pay defendants but the Plaintiff paid other workers which she hired during this proceeding.  Defendants were instructed by the Chair of the Referees to whisper  and write their representations  for the Plaintiff and during the proceedings defendant did  secretarial services; writing of opening statement; preparing facts, argument, exhibits and closing statement;  stopping the proceeding to discuss with the Plaintiff ;  advice on opposition to other parties and stop irrelevant submission by the opposition; writing questions and answers for cross examination; etc. During the proceedings several disruptions were deliberately done by the Plaintiff such as incessant crying and crying to get unnecessary attention which impeded some of the defendants’ work.

25.  After the reference proceedings the Plaintiff was awarded $92,958.00 and upon  receiving this award check she stopped talking to defendants in an orderly manner and appointed several “men of god” and other intermediaries to act as her errand runners and spokespersons to run different errands and undertake activities  between her (Plaintiff) and the defendants. Plaintiff reunited with the lawyers/attorneys that rejected her case and other attorneys/lawyers and because of the defendants’ work stated in paragraph  5 above, these attorneys/lawyers found gold and diamond in this case and they (Plaintiff, lawyers/attorneys, men/women of god, court, hire assassins, etc) want to remove the defendants at all costs. Some of the assassins  they hired unfortunately were suspected Dr. Ofume supporters for the President of AAAA and they came to Dr. Ofume’s apartment to disclose the assignment given to them by the Plaintiff. Defendants have filed Complaint with the  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

26.  December 2012 through January 2013 with $92,958.00 Plaintiff increased her lobbying activities in this court and the case files, Gwendolyn Cranmore v. SSSB Docket No. 2012-2006-C, Gwendolyn Cranmore v. MPIUA Docket No. 2012-00522 have been severely infiltrated the case files and removed several documents which the defendants filed since May 2012. 

27.  Between September 2012 and February  2013 some absentia motions and hearings were conducted and during defendants weekly case file reviews, they uncover these absentia motions,  hearing and dismissal orders to the extent that the defendants found over 11 dismissals and filed several motions and appeals to revive and stabilize cases, Gwendolyn Cranmore v. SSSB Docket No. 2012-2006-C, Gwendolyn Cranmore v. MPIUA Docket No. 2012-00522 and at present all the appeals and motions have been filed by the defendants.  In major part September 2012 through February  2013, Plaintiff stopped sending photocopies of the letters of this court to defendants to accuse them of failure to perform. The defendants have been getting information on these cases during weekly case file review.

E.                                        ISSUE

17.   Whether Plaintiff erred when she desires to disengage defendant without fault

18.    Where there is no fault with the Power of Attorney whether Plaintiff erred for blocking working relationship between defendants and Plaintiff’s intended attorney.

19.   Whether Plaintiff erred for blocking dialogue between defendant and her attorney

F.                                ARGUMENT

In further support of this opposition, particularly their academic and professional qualifications and experiences and taken and concluded related cases, Defendants incorporate their AMENDED APPLICANT’S, DR. PHILLIP C. OFUME & ASSOCIATES (LIMPT, INC. EDUCATION AND WORK FORCE PROJECT) VERIFIED EMERGENCY MOTION (EX-PARTE) FOR  LEAVE  TO INTERVENE IN THE ABOVE MENTIONED MATTER PURSUANT TO MASS. CIVIL PROCEDURE RULE 24 (a)  AND M.C.P.R. 1 TO SINGLE JUDGE  EXHIBIT  “I”
There is no law courts in the United States that will accommodate deceptive, bad faith, fraudulent, arm-twisting and false business. Because the Plaintiff has not stated any justifiable claim including convincing this Court that Defendants have mistreated her when they worked for several months and won a large amount of money without compensation and that because they have completed these cases, saved her home from foreclosure and appealed all emerging cases which would have posed threat to the disputed home, with deceits, the Plaintiff is trying to hide under the umbrella of the Court to arm-twist Defendants therefore Plaintiff’s Complaint should be dismissed with prejudice. 

The foreclosure proceeding has been variously put on hold and cannot proceed years ahead because the Plaintiff is working and has other sources of income to maintain payment of her mortgage. These are plans which the Defendants have forwarded to the SSSB to move the foreclosure forward for further review in 8-12 months. The SSSB is also owing the Plaintiff and what the SSSB owe Plaintiff will be sufficient to offset months of mortgage payment.
Defendants are ready at any time to open up to discussion with any attorney the Plaintiff will retain to work with defendants. Defendants will allow soft payment plan of the overdue compensation which the Plaintiff has refused to pay.
This type of greedy or deceptive business or principal  has appeared before The Presiding Honourable  Justices Dreben,  Gillerman and Lawrence in the matter, FRANCIS W. GAGNON vs. JOAN G. COOMBS, individually and as trustee, & another 39 Mass. App. Ct. 144. The Defendants respected the POWER OF ATTORNEY which was signed by the Plaintiff and Defendants.
Under Common  Law Principles termination of Power of Attorney, has rule and if the Court should terminate the power of attorney without the Plaintiff doing so by herself, G. L. c. 201B, Section 5, inserted by St. 1981, c. 276, Section 2 the meaning of the operating law will be also confused and would question the jurisdiction of this Court will  be questioned.
Off set of the clauses of this Power of Attorney is the meaning of the Plaintiff’s Complaint because the purpose of sworn affidavit is defeated by this Complaint. See comment to Uniform Durable Power of Attorney Act Section 5, 8 U.L.A. 327 (1979) (on which G. L. c. 201B, Section 5, was based). See also Uniform Probate Code, prefatory note to part 5 of Art. V, 8 U.L.A. 511 (1975), and comments to Sections 5-502, 5-504, & 5-505, 8 U.L.A. 514, 516, 517 (1975). Plaintiff’s Complaint has down-sided  G. L. c. 201B, Section 5, affidavit as a ground for affirmative undertaking. 
D.                                       RELIEF

THEREFORE, for the foregoing reasons appellant and his family request this Court to reverse the decision appealed and other Order Court deems fit.

Respectfully submitted,

Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates 
P. O. Box 2416
Lynn, MA 01903
Tel. 781-479-9027

                              CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

I,  Dr. Phillip Ofume certify that a true copy of the foregoing NOTICE OF APPEAL was served up on all parties by  electronic mail and  Hand Delivery on March 7, 2013 at:  

Ms. Gwendolyn Cranmore
2 Kenway Street
Cambridge, MA 02138.
Clerk, Civil Action
Suffolk County Superior Court Department
Suffolk County Courthouse , 12th Floor
Three Pemberton Square
Boston, MA 02108

 Dr. Phillip Ofume     

cc.    President Barack Obama, Vice-President Joseph Biden, H.E. United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Counsels for DCF, Child and Foster Parents, The Hon. Secretary and Attorney-General of the United States, Eric H. Holder, Jr., Hon. Secretary of State, Senator Hilary Clinton, H.E. Secretary General of the United Nations, Bakim Moon, Executive Director, UNICEF, Chair, Amnesty International (Intl. Secretariat, London, UK), Executive Director, Human Rights Watch (USA), President, AAAA (Washington, DC, USA), LIMPT, INC. (EDUCATION & WORKFORCE PROJECT,  c/o Dr. Phillip Chukwuma Ofume – National Coordinator), Senator Elizabeth Warren, etc.

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